dieses wochenende ist ja SUPER BOWL. ich gestehe jedoch, das NFL-finale interessiert mich nicht die bohne. ich habe vor kurzem ganz andere super schüsseln entdeckt, die mich viel mehr begeistern. nämlich die SUPERFOOD BOWLS von bettina campolucci bordi! ich bin ja seit einiger zeit auf der YOU app aktiv {meine erfahrungen mit den micro actions in meinen ersten zwei monaten dort, möche ich demnächst gern hier im blog mit euch teilen} und dort hostete sie eine food-aufgabe: build a colorful bowl!
das habe ich sehr gern getan und bin voll auf den geschmack gekommen, dem fräulein und mir öfter mal zum mittag eine bunte schüssel zu füllen. meine food bowls sind freilich nicht so unfassbar bombastisch, wie die von bettina, aber es macht unglaublich viel spaß, sich den teller auf so ästethische art und weise mit gesundem essen zu füllen. der fantasie sind keine grenzen gesetzt und persönliche experimente ganz klar erwünscht. der anblick allein macht schon laune!
das habe ich sehr gern getan und bin voll auf den geschmack gekommen, dem fräulein und mir öfter mal zum mittag eine bunte schüssel zu füllen. meine food bowls sind freilich nicht so unfassbar bombastisch, wie die von bettina, aber es macht unglaublich viel spaß, sich den teller auf so ästethische art und weise mit gesundem essen zu füllen. der fantasie sind keine grenzen gesetzt und persönliche experimente ganz klar erwünscht. der anblick allein macht schon laune!

das motto EAT THE RAINBOW könnte doch nicht schöner sein, oder? für mich sind die superfood kreationen von bettina inspiration pur! für euch ja vielleicht auch, deswegen habe ich bettina interviewt, um mehr zu erfahren! das interview ist in englisch. ich hoffe, es ist trotzdem spannend für euch. solltet ihr es lieber auf deutsch lesen mögen, möchte ich euch heute ausnahmsweise auf meinen google translate button oben links hinweisen. ich liege nämlich tatsächlich immer noch mit grippe im bett und bin leider nicht fit genug für eine deutsche übersetzung. auch deswegen, sind vitamine wohl zur zeit mein lieblingsthema… ;)

I: found you via YOU app as you were
hosting a lovely food micro-action and was instantly amazed by the
colorful bowls you create! wow did you developed you personal healthy
food lifestyle and when? did you eat like “any other person”
before or have you ever had such sense for clean veggie eating?
hosting a lovely food micro-action and was instantly amazed by the
colorful bowls you create! wow did you developed you personal healthy
food lifestyle and when? did you eat like “any other person”
before or have you ever had such sense for clean veggie eating?
BETTINA: my health journey started about 6 years
ago when i was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and had the
option on taking medication for it or finding a natural solution. during that period i co-founded a wellness retreat and started
cooking plant based food that was also gluten free and refined sugar
free. during the wellness retreats i felt great so i naturally
continued eating this way. now a mum to a three year old it is even
more important to me to implement clean eating habits and try and get
the best out of nature in terms of nutrients. it is a long process
and as life it is ever evolving. tastes change and so does our
environment so i am a work in progress and just try to find what fits
me and my family in the best possible way.
ago when i was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and had the
option on taking medication for it or finding a natural solution. during that period i co-founded a wellness retreat and started
cooking plant based food that was also gluten free and refined sugar
free. during the wellness retreats i felt great so i naturally
continued eating this way. now a mum to a three year old it is even
more important to me to implement clean eating habits and try and get
the best out of nature in terms of nutrients. it is a long process
and as life it is ever evolving. tastes change and so does our
environment so i am a work in progress and just try to find what fits
me and my family in the best possible way.

I: looking at the impressing food
bowls and plates you create, one can see that you’re putting a lot of
love in what you do. but as someone who’s not used to that kind of preparing food, one could think it’s very time consuming. hand on
heart… how much time per day do you spend on preparing your food and
how does it go with your everyday family life?
bowls and plates you create, one can see that you’re putting a lot of
love in what you do. but as someone who’s not used to that kind of preparing food, one could think it’s very time consuming. hand on
heart… how much time per day do you spend on preparing your food and
how does it go with your everyday family life?
BETTINA: yes i do put my heart and soul into all
of my cooking! i love finding ingredients, i spend hours in health
shops looking at products, geeky i know. to be completely honest i
work full time and am a mum so i always look for a quick solution! two things i focus on is having a really well stocked pantry which
means i have good basics to begin with. secondly preparation i spend
a few hours a week preparing a few things in advance which makes food
preparing much easier. i always have pre-cooked grains in my fridge,
soaked chias, nut milks and sometimes i make my own bread. Also pre
cooking beans and freezing in batches is another great way to
minimise cooking time! So when I need to put together a meal I just
need to throw it all together and voila its done!
of my cooking! i love finding ingredients, i spend hours in health
shops looking at products, geeky i know. to be completely honest i
work full time and am a mum so i always look for a quick solution! two things i focus on is having a really well stocked pantry which
means i have good basics to begin with. secondly preparation i spend
a few hours a week preparing a few things in advance which makes food
preparing much easier. i always have pre-cooked grains in my fridge,
soaked chias, nut milks and sometimes i make my own bread. Also pre
cooking beans and freezing in batches is another great way to
minimise cooking time! So when I need to put together a meal I just
need to throw it all together and voila its done!

I: you actually inspire so many
people with your colorful veggie bowls and plates – including myself,
although i’m no vegetarian at all! but please tell me what and
especially who inspires you?
people with your colorful veggie bowls and plates – including myself,
although i’m no vegetarian at all! but please tell me what and
especially who inspires you?
BETTINA: thank you! i am inspired by finding
easy and quick solutions to make this kind of food available to as
many as possible. the thought of being able to connect people to food
again, where it comes from and excite you by wanting to give yourself
the best inspires me. so the short answer is you inspire me :)
wanting and urging me to be better and better.
easy and quick solutions to make this kind of food available to as
many as possible. the thought of being able to connect people to food
again, where it comes from and excite you by wanting to give yourself
the best inspires me. so the short answer is you inspire me :)
wanting and urging me to be better and better.
I: dear bettina, thanks a ton for this lovely and truely inspiring interview! XO!

für mehr und tägliche plant based FOOD BOWL inspirationen, schaut unbedingt mal auf bettinas INSTAGRAM und auf ihrer website BETTINAS KITCHEN vorbei. ich bin längst follower! informationen über bettinas wellness & yoga retreats im wunderschönen ANDALUSIEN findet ihr außerdem unter HEART HEALING RETREAT.
habt ein buntes & wochenende!

6. Februar 2016 at 17:57Mmmhh, so ein bunter Vitaminkick schaut wahrhaftig sehr appetitlich aus und ist sehr verlockend. Bunt schmeckt halt immer alles besser. Wie im wahren Leben.
Dir wünsche ich gute Besserung, dass Du schnell wieder auf die Füsse kommst.
♥allerliebste Grüße
6. Februar 2016 at 19:06mmmmhhh,das sieht alles so lecker und appetitlich aus,bunt schmeckst es halt besser.
die idee finde ich klasse,werde das bestimmt mal machen,wollte sowiso gesünder essen,danke für den link zu bettina,werd ich bestimmt mal gucken gehen.
dir wünsch ich ganz schnell gute besserung,das du bald wieder fit bist.
lieben gruß jeannette
Open House
6. Februar 2016 at 19:35macht lust auf vitamine!
und you hab ich gleich mal rintergeladen. hast mich neugierig gemacht!
hei hei, Daniela
6. Februar 2016 at 20:36Die Fotos zeigen, wie wunderbar lecker gesund essen eigentlich aussehen kann. Wow :-) Bekommt man direkt Lust, selbst eine Food Bowl zu kreieren und zu verspeisen. :-)
8. Februar 2016 at 19:36Mich fasziniert das Essen in Kombination mit den Strümpfen einfach her´lich.