street photography
paris is always a good idea, that’s what audrey hepburn said and it’s true. you all know, normally thursday is our BEAUTY IS WHERE YOU FIND IT photo day here on luzia pimpienella. but as the BIWYFI project is taking a little summer break right now, i’d like to take you on a walk through adorable PARIS instead. just because it’s beautiful…and a good idea.
überstanden…. nix passiert! unser hotel hat sogar noch strom. ich sage
doch… die glückscents! ich berichte dann mal ausführlicher, sobald
wir wieder daheim sind. es ist sicherlich kein urlaub, wie wir ihn
geplant haben, aber spannend und aufregend allemal… holymoly. wir
hoffen, unser flieger geht morgen planmäßig, aber genaues wissen wir
noch nicht, denn die flughäfen blieben heute noch geschlossen.
dear lovelies…another short status here from NYC. we are all fine safe and sound and we endured hurricane sandy without any remarkable turbulences. as i said before…. we found so many lucky pennies the day before. it had to be good for us in the end. i’ll report with some more details as soon as possible when we’re back at home. well, it actually wasn’t the vacation we imagined it to be, but it was an exiting experience… holymoly. we hope, our flight will be on schedule tomorrow, but we don’t know yet. the airports still have been closed today.
wifi habe ich im hotel im moment nicht mehr, was es ein bisschen
schwierig macht, zu bloggen wie geplant. heute waren dann auch alle
starbucks mit w-lan hoffnungslos überfüllt. ich hatte keine lust, mich
dazwischen zu quetschen. deshalb… muss ich leider auch unsere BEAUTY
IS WHERE YOU FIND IT fotoaktion von morgen auf freitag oder sogar
samstag verschieben (so wir denn dann wie geplant zuhause angekommen
sind). ich hoffe, euch macht das angesichts der umstände nichts aus. ihr
solltet mich sehen… ich hocke jetzt in diesem moment vorm
geschlossenen (!) burger king auf der 5th avenue und nutze deren wifi für dieses posting!
at the moment i don’t have any wifi at the hotel anymore, so it’s a bit difficult to blog my planned updates. the starbucks cafés opened up again today, but they were all so very crowded. i didn’t want to spend my time to squeeze myself into this crowd. that’s why i have to postpone our BEAUTY
IS WHERE YOU FIND IT photo project on a later date like friday or even saturday. in the light of the things that happened, i hope you don’t mind. you should really see me now… to post this i hunker down in front of the window of the closed (!) burger king on 5th avenue to get connected with their wifi which is still on! crazy!
ich grüße euch ganz herzlich und danke euch, für eure besorgten
kommentare und nachrichten. ich konnte noch nicht alles nachlesen, dafür
reichen meine kurzen onlinezeiten mit öffentlichem (und sehr
schwankendem) wifi einfach nicht aus. ich bin froh, dass ich es ab und
an mal schaffe, ein paar instagrams via phone zu posten… mehr klappt
im moment nicht. aber wenn alles gut läuft, dann lest ihr freitag von mir.
bis dahin… take care!!!
two hours ago (5 p.m. local time) i peeped around the corner of the street… some strong gusts of wind already blew up 5th avenue… and still… NYC dogs in yellow raincoats still have to do their poop-thing. ;). there’s KOREA TOWN (32th street) at the next block and the korean people imperturbably still run their businesses. many restaurants are open. so we just had korean picnick on our hotel bed. solely the writing on the chop stick packaging sounds a bit out of place today.
you can hear some winds by now, but not that much. for the first time, i’m kinda glad that our windows are point to the backside of the building into a small, tight atrium. that keeps most of the storm noises out, wich might have freaked us out. it’s surely less scary this way. speaking of scary things… do large scale patterned hotel carpets also remind you of SHINING? this is what comes to my mind every time… redrum redrum redrum… excuse my gallows humor. it’s a must right now.
hi lovelies… just dropped in for a quick sign of life from over here at the stormfront! there are probably better times to visit NYC, but we’re here and we definitely keep our northern-german chin up! the stiff breeze called SANDY didn’t arrive here in our place yet. we’re now waiting for things to come.
we got ourselves some supplies yesterday and bought some food and candles in case of a power outage. luckily our hotel, the WOLCOTT , is located in midtowm manhattan (31st street between broadway and 5th avenue), it’s not in the evacuation zone… so we’re sitting in our hotel room right now trying to keep things kinda cozy.
this morning we went out for a walk. we had a bit of rain over night, but there are still no remarkable signs of the approaching hurricane. a little windy, a little rainy… but everything still feels totally relaxed so far. well, exept for the personal suspense. the deli across the street is still open. they were not sold out at all… there’s still plenty of water and food. i imagine though that somewhere downtown near the waterfronts the situation is more tensed up. we avoid turning on the TV as the pictures might freak luzie out. until now she’s still relaxed and not frightened at all. better it stays this way. i suppose her mood might change when seeing what’s going on in some other more affected places.
on the streets i saw more gumboots than usual. the stores are mostly closed and the subway shut down service yesterday at 7 pm. i must admit it’s a weird feeling. the last few days i asked a lot of locals if they were afraid. everybody anwsered ” NO, not that much!”. that was kinda relieving. after all we europeans are not really used to deal with hurricanes.
as i said…. the TV news can make you quite nervous, but everyone is hoping for less damage than expected. many shops perpared their front doors with sand bags to reduce water flooding as they expect heavy rains here in midtown. flowers are solely sold inside today. i wonder if anybody really buys some? at least there have been sold lots of umbrellas today.
i saw some guys from the times square alliance still cleaning up the streets this morning. why? there will be probably a lot more to be cleaned up tommorrow! ridiculous to let them work. i hope these tough guys are safe and sound at home now. MACY’s didn’t open today, they told their staff to stay at home. i already saw many umbrella victims along the way… but also bigger things collapsed. i’m glad only to be on the 9th floor here in the hotel and that our windows point to the backside of the building into a tight atrium… a fact that i usually don’t love that much.
got an awful feeling looking at the homeless on the streets. will they find shelter when the storm will rage over the city? i hope so. you can feel it starts now. feeling kinga funky meanwhile. but after all we have all those lucky pennies we found yesterday, right? … just hope everything will be good in the end.
ich wünsche euch eine wunderbares wochenende… wo immer ihr es verbringt!
i wish you a lovely weekend… wherever you spend it!
… und zum zeitvertreib. ;) ich wünsche euch einen wundervollen tag, wo immer ihr seid!
… and for passing time. ;) i wish you a lovely day, wherever you are!
leider war die zeit viel zu kurz. ich wär’ gern länger geblieben…
so sad that there was so little time. i’d love to stay longer…
… dann muss man einfach dem köstlichen duft folgen und hineingehen…. und wenn es nur ist, um sich einen dieser grandiosen hafer-schoko-kekse zu holen.
… you might follow the track of the red wig right to SANKT PAULI and on a saturday like this you might end up just in the middle of…
… im SCHLAGERMOVE!!! dann feiert man ein bisschen mit, bis der regen kommt.
auch wenn der hamburger an sich ziemlich regenresistent ist, flüchtest du dann lieber ins trockene…
… and just because it’s an awesome day, the SINGER of your favorite hamburg band FETTES BROT passes by at your table and you’re going to get yourself an autograph!
wie? du hattest heute schon ein eis? aber noch keins von SCHMIDT, na dann…
ich hoffe, ihr hattet auch ein schönes wochenende, in hamburg oder wo auch immer.
i hope you had a great weekend, too… in hamburg or whereever in the world.
falls ihr heute noch in den mai tanzt… viel spaß! tanzen hilft! ;)